One step in how we are formed as followers of Jesus is our JR Discipleship Milestone - A journey toward the Rite of Confirmation for 7th and 8th grade youth. If you have a student entering 7th grade and would like to know more about Confirmation Discipleship classes, please contact Christy Malinowski, Director of Youth Ministry.


The goal of JR Discipleship is to teach and model the Christian life, preparing youth to live out their faith. JR Discipleship is a journey that will move youth toward the Rite of Confirmation.

We have three core values that we feel are essential in this journey:

  1. TEACHING what we believe and SHOWING them how it looks.

  2. Intentionally PARTNERING with the home.

  3. CONNECTING youth with faith mentors who MODEL a life lived for Christ.

The purpose of Trinity’s Youth Ministry is to walk alongside youth with the love of Jesus. Our WHY for doing ministry, our inspiration, is simple. We want to see youth live out their faith in everyday life. HOW we do this has become the five guiding principles we strive to incorporate into EVERY aspect of Youth Ministry, which includes JR Discipleship. Here are just a few ways these principles are lived out in this journey: 

  • We emphasize identity in Christ - 
    Remind youth they are a child of God and inspire them to discover their gifts, talents, and purpose. We are going to help youth understand life within the congregation.

  • We encourage spiritual/faith habits -
    Model what it looks like to be a follower of Jesus (Being, Forgiving, Serving, Giving and Going).
    This includes worship, prayer journals, serving, quiet time, sharing testimonies. =

  • We inspire Christ-like servant hearts -
    Provide opportunities for youth to serve one another and their communities.
    We are going to ask families to do one serving opportunity together.

  • We build intentional relationships -
    Encourage youth to intentionally connect and form lasting relationships with other youth and adults. This is key in our Wednesday CONNECT and through faith mentors for 8th graders.

  • We provide community -
    Provide opportunities for youth to spend time together having fun in a safe, comfortable, and inclusive environment.
    This happens through small group time and instruction time.



All are invited as we WELCOME these disciples together into the mission of the church and encourage them as they continue their walk with Jesus.  Join us Sunday, April 28 at 1PM for their questioning and Sunday, May 5 at 1PM for their Rite of Confirmation.